Thursday, December 18, 2014

Torn and stitch: 5 ways to get over break up

I know that many of you have been through break ups. All along break ups have been a poison to our heart. It malfunction our heart until an antidote came to cure it. Which in this case, means finding a new relationship. But before that, how do you get through that sever heartache? Ever wonder what will you do without him? I want to share with you a few tips on how to get through break up more easily. It might not apply for all since not every individual are the same. But I really hope that these few tips will make you feel better. Even though its just a tiny bit.
I have friends who went through break up recently, which is the reason why I want to share this. I personally feel that, if you don't want to get hurt, don't ever step into a relationship. It actually makes you more vulnerable. However, I do know that sometimes we humans need some affection to keep us going, and motivated to have the courage to realise our dreams. We crave for constant attention, and we just need someone who will stay when we needed someone. Honestly, I don't like how my friends have changed into. They became so weak after their break up, cried for days or even weeks and beg to patch back their relationship. Usually, they are not like what I've mentioned earlier. I know how hard is it to let go but there is no point living in the past. It actually seems like their world is rotating around that guy, that guy who let them down. That being said, here goes the tips.But most of it teaches you how to fill up all your empty time.

#1 Exercise regularly

Believe it or not, but exercising and sweating it out actually make you feel better. Most often, I would always go for a run when I'm feeling stressed either from school or family. It always works. Running also make you feel more energize, I tend to sleep while doing work due to lack of oxygen in my brain. But after running, the heart will pump twice the amount of oxygen you needed thus making you more arouse. If you don't like running, you can also be engage in a sport that you like. As for myself, I used to be in my school's netball team. I love netball. Doing something that you like will engage you in a more active lifestyle and forget about him at the moment.

#2 Retail therapy
This only applies to those who are rich. I mean, able to afford it. Believe it or not, retail therapy is a good way to relieve stress. This is due to the adrenaline rush when you're spending wad of cash. Hahaha, but yeah, after that you will be broke. This happened to me most of the time though. But thinking it another way, buying new clothes, new shoes is also part of changing. You should dump away your old self and be more adventurous and try out a different look and style. Who knows? There might be something more suitable for you rather than the girly-girl you always thought you looked best in.

#3 Hang out with friends
He is not your only support, don't ever forget that you still have friends around you who really cares. And it actually pains them to see you like this. Even if you think that you can't stand up anymore, but please remember there's a true friend that is willing to help you up no matter how deep you fell. So, for the sake of that friend, you must be strong. Its not for yourself but also the people you love and the people that loves you. Hanging out with your friends is definitely a good way to forget about the pain, forget about the relationship. You can talk to them about it, don't ever keep everything to yourself. Remember that they will always be there no matter what. If you're afraid that they ever leave, talk to your family members instead. Well, blood is definitely thicker than water. If you're willing to ask for their advice, I'm sure they're more than willing to help.

#4 Do things that you wanted to do for very long but didn't

Things such as clubbing? Go to the beach? Socialising? Or just chilling out by yourself and let imagination take over your mind? These are the things that he'll probably forbid you to do when you two are still together. Being single now allows you to do whatever you want. Not quite, but at least you got some time alone. Nobody is there to restrict you and forbid you, you can just do whatever you want, as long as you get him outta your mind. Doing things like these and meeting new people also prepares you for your next relationship.

#5 Time heals everything
There will never be a cure for heartbreak. This is the fact that everyone knows. The only thing that can heal a heartbreak is time. I believe that once you get back to your normal lifestyle, you might not be able to get used to it initially. But trust me, after a few weeks or even a few months you'll adapt to it. Adapt to the lifestyle without him. Every human is born alone, we don't ever need someone else to survive. Of course, you can survive without him. I know it's difficult but just tolerate it for awhile. Cause at the end of the day, everything is gonna be alright.

Nobody told you that its gonna be easy. Nobody said that its gonna be so difficult too. But the only way to heal is to show the person who dump you that you're leading a better life when you're with them. Do remember that if a person broke up with you, the reason why is never because you are not good enough. But they are the one who don't deserve you. And it simply just means that they are not the right one. Every breaking up have their own reasons. Perhaps, you can say that both of you don't suit each other etc. But, every end is a new beginning. A break up only means that you're one step closer to your MR./MRS. RIGHT. So, don't fret anymore, I wish you all the best of luck in finding your lifetime soulmate.

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